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Pete Wyer: For Love and Only for Love

Pete Wyer: For Love and Only for Love

MONDAY – SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2020 – JANUARY 3, 2021 (continuing daily through JANUARY 10)
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Make Music Winter
New York Botanic Garden, Native Plant Garden
2900 Southern Boulevard, Bronx Park, Bronx

$7-$22 (Garden admission price)

A new entry in the walk-around-the-landscaped-public-space-with-soundtrack derby. In this one, composer Pete Wyer creates one of his iForests in the New York Botanic Garden (reason enough to go), hiding speakers in the woodland surrounding the Native Plant Garden that play choral music, sometimes defiant but more often contemplative, that varies with the time, landscape, and weather. Subscriber CP, at least, was wildly enthusiastic about this piece.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: See who's serving on Italian (and Albanian)-American paradise Arthur Avenue.