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Sound ON: Leading Voices

Sound ON: Leading Voices

7:30 PM

New York Philharmonic
Appel Room, Jazz at Lincoln Center
10 Columbus Circle, Upper West Side, Manhattan


This is a really first-rate concert, worth schlepping Uptown for.  World premieres by Paola PrestiniJoan La Barbara, and Nicole Lizée (a Canadian composer I thought I'd never heard of — until I realized she was a member of The Besnard Lakes at the time they recording their psych shoegaze classic Are the Dark Horse).  Really great — and extremely listenable (for all you New Music scaredy-cats) vintage pieces by Berio (Folk Songs) and George Crumb (the intoxicating Night of the Four Moons).  Guest vocals by New Music goddesses La Barbara and Lucy Dhegrae, and mainstream mezzo Kelly O'Connor.  Hard to imagine skipping.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  It's very hard not to send you to Momofuku Noodle Bar Columbus Circle, soulless though it may be.

Earlier Event: February 10
Sarah Einspanier: House Plant
Later Event: February 10
Bernstein: West Side Story