Caroline Shaw: Composer Portrait
8:00 PM
Miller Theater at Columbia University
2960 Broadway, Morningside Heights, Manhattan
$20-$40; $17-$36 seniors; $12-$24 students & under age 25
How delightful to be around at the same time as composer(/vocalist/violinist) Caroline Shaw! Her pieces are nice to listen to, nice to think about, and I imagine nice to play. (Don't let their immense surface appeal blind you to all the interesting stuff going on under the hood!) This is contemporary classical to convince anti–New Music sourpusses, classical music to convince anti-classical faux Sans Coulottes. The pieces in this survey will be played Shaw specialists the Attacca Quartet and by The Beatles of percussion ensembles, Sō Percussion.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Another nod to Atlas Kitchen, with a more distinctive Chinese menu than you'd expect to find around here.