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Taylor Mac: The Fre

Taylor Mac: The Fre

THURSDAY – SATURDAY, MARCH 12 – 14, 2020 (continuing through APRIL 12)
7:00 PM

The Bats
The Flea Theater
20 Thomas Street, Tribeca, Manhattan

$27-$102 Thursday; $37-$102 Friday & Saturday

The divine Taylor Mac is back with a phantasmagoria pitting queers against fun-loving anti-intellectuals.  Wait, do I read the promotional materials right in saying "the audience will literally and figuratively jump into the mud . . . to hash out the current cultural divide"?  (I have no idea what the hyper-expensive "VIP Tickets" get you — but even if it's absolute freedom from mud exposure, it can't be worth it.)

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  After mucking about in the mud, nothing could be better than the fried bologna sandwich at Au Cheval.