Happy Hour Hang: Dayna Stephens
MONDAY, MAY 18, 2020
6:00 PM
Jazz Gallery
Several nights a week, the Jazz Gallery is putting on early evening remote sessions where jazz musicians play and chat with the audience (limited to 15 people per show). I'm recommending them selectively, but check out the website for a full listing. This evening's show features Dayna Stephens, a thoroughly modern sax player in the Coleman Hawkins tradition.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: A cocktail that mirrors Dayna Stephens's playing, the Black and Gold: pour 2 oz. Bourbon and 3/4 oz. each lemon juice and Honey Syrup (we made some last week, remember?: 3 parts honey to 1 part hot water stirred until well blended), with a drop of sesame oil, into an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Rinse a Martini glass or coupe with Frangelico. Stir the stuff in the cocktail shaker, and strain into the Frangelico-rinsed glass.