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C. Spencer Yeh: The Big Share

C. Spencer Yeh: The Big Share

8:00 PM

Isolated Field Recording Series
ISSUE Project Room

Free (donations requested)

C. Spencer Yeh is a real favorite of this List.  He makes noise music.  Sometimes his noise music isn't that loud.  He plays violin.  He makes psych sound collages.  He writes songs (not often).  His curiosity seems endless.  Here, he deals with all the material he has had bottled up since The Quarantine induced him to stop his SM sharing (he didn't stop taking pictures and accruing material; he just stopped posting it) (GOOD MOVE).  I'm curious about the part that will be about food:  I don't think I'll agree with it.  I can't wait to find out.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  Sometimes I think a Gin and Tonic gives the most bang for the buck of any single item in the entire culinary universe.  Do I have to give a recipe?  Pour 2  or so oz. of Gin into a Collins glass, fill with ice, and top with 4 or so oz. of Tonic Water.  Give it a stir.  Squeeze a lime wedge into it, and toss in the wedge.

Earlier Event: June 24
Voice Training: Hard Exit
Later Event: June 25
Metropolis Ensemble: House Music