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Boccacio Project: Allison Loggins-Hull & Nathalie Joachim

Boccacio Project: Allison Loggins-Hull & Nathalie Joachim

FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 2020
8:00 PM

Library of the Congress


More Boccacio Project, this time with composer/flautist Allison Loggins-Hull writing a piece for her partner in the Flutronix duo, flautist/vocalist Nathalie Joachim, one of the most charismatic and sheerly musically appealing performers on the contemporary classical scene.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  Further changing up the Negroni for Boccacio-based shows, a Contessa:  pour 1 oz. each of Gin, dry Vermouth, and Aperol into an ice-filled cocktail shaker.  Stir.  Strain into a tumbler.  Squeeze a lemon peel into the cocktail and discard the peel.