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Saul Williams / Ted Hearne: Place

Saul Williams / Ted Hearne: Place

8:00 PM

New Sounds Live Stream


Here's the remarkable thing:  I saw a live performance of Saul Williams and Ted Hearne's lively, affecting, disquieting, eclectic but solidly R&B-inflected music-theater piece treating gentrification and displacement back in the days when they still had live performances.  I've also seen a snippet of this remote video production, performed by the singers and musicians from their homes.  And — I can't believe it — the remote video production is better, just as disquieting but even more affecting, than the live show was.  Will wonders never cease.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  I don't know about you, but I've got tons of mint on hand.  ¡Mojito!  Muddle 8 mint leaves in a cocktail shaker.  Fill it with ice.  Pour in 2 oz. white Rum, 3/4 oz. lime juice, and 1 oz. Simple Syrup.  Shake.  Strain into a Collins glass over ice.  Stir in 1/2 oz. club soda.  Garnish with a mint sprig.