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Theater of War: The Book of Job

Theater of War: The Book of Job

4:00 PM


Free (with registration)

What with The Pandemic, the fascist takeover of Amerika, the final indisputable public demonstration of the systemic and murderous racism that festers at the heart of our national enterprise, and Murder Hornets, the Book of Job starts to seem rather light-hearted.  Without wanting to slight anyone in the excellent cast of this dramatized reading, it must be said that Jeffrey Wright and David Strathairn are two of the better actors on the face of the earth.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  It somehow seems appropriate to accompany this with a cocktail the writer William Seabrook named after the kind of institution to which he committed himself on account of alcoholism, the Asylum:  pour each of 1-1/2 Gin and Absinthe and 1/2 teaspoon of Grenadine into an Old Fashioned glass.  Add ice.  Let the ice melt for a minute or two so you can watch the louche develop in the Absinthe; then stir.