Galactic Zoo & Singleman Affair: Million Tongues Festival
SUNDAY, JULY 5, 2020
3:00 PM
Experimental Sound Studio: The Quarantine Concerts
Free (donations requested)
Now those of us outside Chicago can attend the legendary psychedelic jamboree, back after a long hiatus, the Million Tongues Festival — and in our bathrobes, if we want (well, I guess no one would have said anything if you went to one of the previous live shows in a bathrobe).
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: I scoffed at the National Cocktail Of Argentina — "what, are they all 17?", I sneered — until I had a few myself one typically late Buenos Aires night. Let's face it: they're on to something. Fernet and Coke: pour 1 cup of Coca-Cola and 1/2 cup of Fernet-Branca into a Collins glass over ice. Garnish with a lemon wedge.