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Austria and Science

Austria and Science

7:00 PM

Austrian Cultural Foundation In Person & Live Stream
11 East 52nd Street, Upper East Side, Manhattan

Free (R.S.V.P. required for in person attendence)

A scientific lecture about facial recognition technology, and then responding music played by trumpet, drums, and string quartet. New Yorkers will want to know that drums are played by Jonathan Kane, and among the composers are Dave Soldier and Gene Pritsker.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: In person, The Grill has reopened. Will the joke seem as funny as in Before Times? Streaming from home, have a Left Hand: pour 1-1/2 oz. Bourbon and 3/4 oz. each of sweet Vermouth and Campari, with 2 dashes of Chocolate bitters, into an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Stir. Strain into a chilled Martini glass or coupe. Garnish with a cocktail cherry.