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Gelsey Bell & Joseph White: Meander

Gelsey Bell & Joseph White: Meander

TUESDAY – SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 – 28, 2021 (ongoing)
10:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

150 Eastern Parkway, across the street from Prospect Heights, Brooklyn

Advance ticket required: $18; $12 students and seniors; free children with attending adult; weekdays pay what you can

Having created a wonderful sound walk through Green-Wood Cemetery, the dream team of Gelsey Bell and Joe White do the same for the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (one of my favorite places on earth, if you want to know). The soundtrack is available on the BBG website.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: New Orleans at Lowerline.

Earlier Event: February 22
Later Event: February 23
Metropolis Ensemble: House Music