Death of Classical / Bindlestiff Family Cirkus: Secret Mausoleum Music Club
WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 2021 (also JUNE 30 & JULY 21)
6:30 PM
Green-Wood Cemetery
500 25th Street, Greenwood Heights, Brooklyn
You get to visit mausoleums that aren't usually open to the public (and more important: you get to leave!). You get to listen to musicians perched in various semi-expected spots. You get to watch a Bindlestiff Family Cirkus extravaganza. This sounds so great that I can only guess why last Summer's edition came across as corny instead. I'll be back, though. And I have nothing but praise for their adult beverage program.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: On the one hand, I think the food at Chilo's Greenwood is mediocre gloppy imitation Mexican, a crime when it's so near the good Mexican spots in Sunset Park. I also think the drinks are trash, fit only for those looking to get buzzed without caring about craft and nuance and shit like that. On the other hand, Chilo's is right across the street from Green-Wood Cemetery — and (having just spent an evening wandering through the graveyard that is the Sunset Park restaurant scene looking for a place to eat, I cannot overemphasize the importance of this factor) open for business.