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Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra

Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra

TUESDAY, JULY 20, 2021
7:30 PM

Naumberg Orchestral Concerts
Naumberg Bandshell, Central Park, Manhattan


Someday I'll explain to you why Baroque music is core for this List. But for now, let's attend to this show by the Bay Area's favorite period instruments band, under its excellent new Music Director, Richard Egarr. They're presenting a program of Early English Baroque, music with tunes that stick to your ribs. The participation of up-and-coming Baroque (and more!) soprano Rowan Pierce doesn't hurt.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: No place Uptown seems to be open past 9. So you'll have to grab dinner before the show (uncivilized as some of us believe that to be) (that's Uptown: uncivilized). And there's no better spot than Bilao: Filipino nurses cooking expertly for other Filipino nurses — but they don't mind if you stop by and have a taste yourself. Afterwards, go somewhere in your own neighborhood for drinks (I'm going to Bar Goto Niban myself).