Wave Field Synthesis
THURSDAY – SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 – 15, 2021 (continuing on AUGUST 16, 2021)
11:00 AM & 2:30, 5:30 & 7:30 PM
Time:Spans Festival
Mary Flagler Cary Hall, DiMenna Center for Classical Music
450 West 37th Street, Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan
Rennsalaer's mighty Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center wanted to show off its High-Resolution Modular Loudpeaker Array for Wave Field Synthesis, permitting exact placement of sound elements. So it commissioned no less than Pamela Z, Bora Yoon, Nina C. Young, and Miya Masaoka to write pieces for it. Go to this.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: It's really got to be the cheerful hearty Central Asian at Farida, right?