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In Your Dirty Ears: Amelia Holt / Sepehr

In Your Dirty Ears: Amelia Holt / Sepehr


11:00 PM

Sound Room, Public Records
233 Butler Street, Gowanus, Brooklyn

Free (with R.S.V.P.)

The Sound Room at Public Records — which has the best sound system of any club I've ever been to (and I'm an Audiophile Snob) — reopens! And what a bill: Amelia Holt strikes just the right balance between experimental electronic and DANCE; Sepehr explores the experimental music of Iran.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Given current early closing hours, your only option for dinner before the show without an annoying hour-long gap is the in-house restaurant at Public Records itself.

Earlier Event: September 17
Ronald K. Brown / EVIDENCE
Later Event: September 18
Kamala Sankaram: The Last Stand