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Katherine Young & Yarn/Wire: Biomes 4.1

Katherine Young & Yarn/Wire: Biomes 4.1

THURSDAY & SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 & 12, 2021 (also on SEPTEMBER 17)
6:00 PM

Pioneer Works
159 Pioneer Street, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Free (registration required) (donation requested)

The exciting piano/percussion quartet Yarn/Wire performs within a sound installation by sound artist (and bassoonist!) Katherine Young in Pioneer Works's garden. (PS -- Although it's outside the parameters of this live-performance-oriented List, Pioneer Works's Tour Without End installation by Laura Parnes, running from September 10 through November 28, is of immense interest to anyone who shares this List's esthetic.)

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Whether Red Hook Tavern's epic burger is the best/most famous in Brooklyn depends on how you rank it against its model at Peter Luger (HINT: it's better).

Earlier Event: September 12
Juan Atkins
Later Event: September 12
Tesla Quartet