A Memorial Tribute to Ingram Marshall
7:00 PM
The Greene Space In Person & Live Stream
44 Charlton Street, Soho, Manhattan
$20 in person; free live stream
When you describe Ingram Marshall’s music, you can make it sound like a lot of things — ambient, soundscape, Minimalist, post-Minimalist — but when you hear it, it’s utterly distinctive: calm, uninsistent; but compelling, not fading into the background. Marshall is prototypically West Coast — and although I, for one, wouldn’t want to live there, I love visiting, both physically and aurally. Various NYC Musicians About Town pay tribute — including Timo Andres, who has a lot of Marshall in him even though he’s East Coast through and through.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: In person, is there a more delightful NYC spot that the vaguely Italian(ish) King? Streaming at home, have a Gibson: pour 2 oz. Gin and 1 oz. dry Vermouth into an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Stir. Strain into a chilled Martini glass or coupe. Garnish with as many cocktail onions as you feel like.