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Georg Friedreich Haas: Solstices


Georg Friedreich Haas: Solstices

4:47 & 7:30 PM

DiMenna Center
450 West 37th Street, Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan

Free 4:47 PM show; $22.85 7:30 PM show; $12.24 students 7:30 PM show

Another Georg Friedrich Haas play-in-the-dark piece: an amazing, transfixing experience, if you haven’t had it yet. While the previous ones were for string quartet, this is for 10 players — so maintaining ensemble in pitch black with no way to see the other players should be even more impossible (the Talea Ensemble can pull it off!). The 4:47 PM performance marks the exact time of this winter’s Solstice!

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Go from the depths of dark Winter to sunny Spain at Casa Dani.

Earlier Event: December 20
Gelsey Bell & Joseph White:  Meander
Later Event: December 21
Phill Niblock: 6 Hours of Music & Film