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The Institute of Useless Actitivy: THIS and THAT


The Institute of Useless Actitivy: THIS and THAT

WEDNESDAY – SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 – 10, 2022 (continuing through DECEMBER 17)
8:30 PM

145 6th Avenue (entrance on Dominick Street), Soho, Manhattan

$20; first 10 tickets to each show $10

Having had a massive hit (for this kind of thing) at the tiny Chocolate Factory in LIC, The Institute of Useless Activity brings their cosmic stageshow to Here. It’s hard to describe beyond to say that its two guys using technology and stagecraft to mess with your head. And the first half or so of its hour-long run time is just magic. After that, when it devolves into a long series of hand-shadow puppets, things get old — at least if you’re as jaded as I am (or maybe I should say, as weed-averse). But people LOVE this — and that first half is pure magic.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Sicilian at Piccolo Cucina Osteria.

Earlier Event: December 7
Chris LaButti/Alan Courtis & Loren Connors
Later Event: December 8