Sam Sadigursky: “The Solomon Diaries” Album Release Show
4:00 PM
Barbès In Person & Live Stream
376 9th Street, Park Slope, Brooklyn
$15 in person; free-$10 live stream
The eloquent post-Klezmer composer/clarinetist Sam Sadigursky takes off from the history and remnants of the Borscht Belt (believe it or not) to examine/invoke freedom (from leaden food?), rebellion (against regimented leisure?), celebration, tradition, independence, loss, hope, decay and renewal.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: In person, see if you like Runner Up (which reportedly has upgraded it’s all-outdoors dining facitilities) more than I do. At home, the Brooklyn cocktail was probably (cocktail history is rarely clear) invented by a bartender who was Jewish. Here’s a version that hews closer to the original than the modern version known now; hence, the Brooklyn (Original): pour 1-1/2 oz. of Rye and sweet Vermouth, and 1/4 oz. each of either Golden Moon Amer dit Picon or Bigallet China-China and Maraschino liqueur, into an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Stir. Strain into a chilled Martini glass or coupe. Garnish with a cocktail cherry.