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James Allister Sprang: Aquifer of the Weave


James Allister Sprang: Aquifer of the Weave

WEDNESDAY – SUNDAY, MARCH 2 – 6, 2022 (continuing through MARCH 12)
6:00 & 7:00 PM

Chocolate Factory Theater
38-33 24th Street, Long Island City, Queens


A mulitmedia experience melding music and cyanotopes (a photographic process that turns everything blue) invoking and exploring Black longing for a lost homeland.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: The tangy porky chili-scented Chilorio tacos at Cielito (the Sinaloan spot we’ve all been waiting for) have got to be the most exciting things I’ve eaten this Winter.

Later Event: March 1
Aleshea Harris: On Sugarland