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Mannes Orchestra: Singleton, Frank and Dawson


Mannes Orchestra: Singleton, Frank and Dawson

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2022
3:00 PM

Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center
1941 Broadway, Upper West Side, Manhattan

$10; free students/seniors at box office

Alvin Singleton does Minimalism-for-orchestra in a way that’s very much his own. Gabriela Lena Frank finally presents her Peruvian-inspired Walkabout: Concerto for Orchestra in full here; the pieces we’ve heard in the past (not necessarily in orchestral form) were enticing indeed. William L. Dawson’s Negro Folk Symphony deserves to be heard more: it’s of much more than historic interest.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  This matinée gives you a perfect opportunity to try the supernal Charles Pan-Fried Chicken.