De Capo Chamber Players: Bridging Cultures
8:00 PM
Merkin Concert Hall, Kaufman Music Center
129 West 67th Street, Upper West Side, Manhattan
$20; $10 students
As I was leaving my row for intermission at Zankel Hall last week after hearing an excellent new piece by Hannah Kendall, I found myself stepping over Kendall herself. “This is what’s great about New Music concerts,” I thought to myself. “You don’t get to step over Brahms at the Philharmonic.” Now we get another new piece by this fresh voice who doesn’t avoid narrative, thematic (in the musical sense) density, or her Caribbean background. Also, among others, Eric Moe (whose lively music I for one am always very happy to hear) and George Walker, whose stuff just gets even better the more you hear it — and we’re thankfully getting to hear it a lot these days.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: You’ll have to go before the show (I hate to do that), but the self-explanatory Pastrami Queen.