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Either / Or: Variegates & Reactivities


Either / Or: Variegates & Reactivities

THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2022
8:30 PM

Tenri Cultural Institute
43A West 13th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan

$20; $10 students/seniors

A typically variegated (hey they said it) program from Either/Or. For now, let’s focus on a piece by newly minted Pulitzer laureate Raven Chacon and — they must be reading my mind — one by the master Spectralist Gérard Grisey, whom I for one have been thinking about a lot lately.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: After those ethereal sounds, some food that’s too too solid: Georgian at Chama Mama.

Earlier Event: May 19
Later Event: May 19
Galcher Lustwerk