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Blue Heron: Divine Songs: Ockeghem@600


Blue Heron: Divine Songs: Ockeghem@600

SUNDAY, MAY 8, 2022
4:00 PM

Music Before 1800
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
529 West 121st Street, Morningside Heights, Manhattan

$10-$55; $5-$50 seniors; $5 students

Who knows what it sounded like to contemporaries, but now the music of late-15th-Century Franco-Flemish choral polyphony master Johannes Ockeghem sounds like pure, if complex, staggering beauty. There’ll also be music by some of his great contemporaries — although none were quite as great as him. Boston’s Blue Heron are absolute masters of this repertoire.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Hard not to observe that Eritrean treat Masawa is right around the corner.

Earlier Event: May 8
Handel: Serse
Later Event: May 9
Ellen Reid:  SOUNDWALK