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Standing on the Corner Art Ensemble: Taino Needle Science: Drone Acupuncture


Standing on the Corner Art Ensemble: Taino Needle Science: Drone Acupuncture

TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2022
7:00 PM

Performance Space New York
150 1st Avenue, East Village, Manhattan


An actual guerilla clinic offering non-chemical treatment based on the “NADA” accupunture detox treatment devised by Black and Latinx community activists during the heroin plague of the ‘70s — all set to Minimalist music from Standing on the Corner.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Go the Hearth and have a Variety Burger. You’ll feel better.

Earlier Event: June 28
Beckett: Cascando
Later Event: June 28
Chekhov/Igor Golyak: The Orchard