SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 & 19, 2022
8:00 PM
Radio City Music Hall
1260 6th Avenue, Midtown, Manhattan
Dynamic pricing so I don’t fucking know but whatever it is IT’S TOO MUCH
You probably already know how great Rosalia and her Future Flamenco are — very much including her most recent album (featuring Caroline Shaw, for the beknighted kind of List reader who’s afraid of contemporary pop music). So having noted the existence of these shows, let me instead rant for a moment about Big Time Mainstream Pop Concerts and dyamic pricing. As far as I’m concerned, this is a perfect example of the utter pernicious evil of what is over-optimistically referred to as Late Stage Capitalism. The Market rules all — and no one wants to leave any money on the table. Tickets are priced solely (and fluctuatingly) according to market. So — the pop music market being as overhyped as it is — prices for desirable shows immediately shoot up to stupid levels, making them attainable only by the rich and the idiotically improvident. I say fuck it. I’m sure Rosalia’s shows will be great. But I’m Listing dozens of shows for like $20 that will be even better. Recommended for morons. And stooges.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Speaking of Capitalism, this is right down the block from the new Uptown bulked-up watered-down (but still very good) spot from the Frenchette team, Le Rock.