Petr Kotik: Many Many Women
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 (also SEPTEMBER 29 at Roulette)
5:00 PM
S.E.M. Ensemble
Willow Place Auditorium
26 Willow Place, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn
This is a free preview performance of a staged production that will play next week for $20 at Roulette (don’t know if the full staging will be given tonight). For all you 1970s nostalgists, a marathon six-hour performance of Peter Kotik’s Gertrude Stein-based durational work from the middle of that decade (S.E.M. emphasizes that you can come and go whenever you want over the duration of the performance). This stuff is foundational for today’s Alt Classical.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: The duration of this performance seems to cover the opening hours of almost every place nearby (at least as far as kitchens are concerned), but I suppose you could do what S.E.M. says and sneak out for a cocktail and a burger at The Long Island Bar at some point.