Edward Einhorn & Jenny Lee Mitchell: Cabaret in Captivity
SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 2023 (also on JANUARY 31)
7:00 PM
153 West 88th Street, Upper West Side, Manhattan
The Potemkin Village concentration camp of Terezín/Theresienstadt housed many artists and musicians (until they were deported elsewhere for extermination). They created a lot of very attractive music there in the racy 1920s/30s Czech Neoclassical style. And, along similar lines, some very appealing cabaret — the focus of this show. Less appealing is that it was written, knowingly, in the shadow of death — but of course the whole point of cabaret is a dark underbelly. (Also, if you want intimate, this is in the home of one of the performers!)
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Inevitable Medditerranean at Dagon.