String Orchestra of Brooklyn feat. Vicky Chow
8:00 PM
St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church
157 Montague Street (entrance on Clinton Street), Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn
$16 advance; $11 students/seniors advance; $20 door
Lauren Loiacono writes music that is very much Post-Romantic; her Piano Concerto, being played tonight, comes directly out of the Romantic tradition (although scaredy cats seeking a musical comfort bath should recall that the Schoenberg Piano Concerto also came directly out of that tradition). This isn’t the kind of music we tend to like much here at The List. But Loiacono has a voice of her own: her music sounds like her, and that counts for a lot — even if she’s not writing in a style we favor. Vicky Chow plays, and David Bloom conducts. Keeping with the Romanticism, also on the bill is Still’s Threnody in Memory of Jean Sibelius and Sibelius’s Second Symphony (the last one Sibelius wrote before his Symphonies began to get good).
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Good Georgian at Chama Mama.