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Neo-Political Cowgirls: The Dreamer (A Midsummer Night’s Dream As Seen Through The Eyes Of A Young Girl)


Neo-Political Cowgirls: The Dreamer (A Midsummer Night’s Dream As Seen Through The Eyes Of A Young Girl)

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, APRIL 22 & 23, 2023 (continuing through MAY 7)
4:00 PM

Subletseries: Co-Op
145 6th Avenue (entrance on Dominick Street), Soho, Manhattan

$25-$75; $15 students/seniors; $10 first 10 tickets sold

A fantasia (and I use that term advisedly) on the plot(s) and themes of A Midsummer Night’s Dream except the protagonist is a girl on the cusp of womanhood.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: LA-style Mexican at Lupe’s East L.A. Kitchen.

Earlier Event: April 22
Regen Circuit