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Annie Dorsen: Prometheus Firebringer


Annie Dorsen: Prometheus Firebringer

THURSDAY – SATURDAY, MAY 11 – 13, 2023
7:00 PM

Chocolate Factory
38-33 24th Street, Long Island City, Queens


Aeschylus’s(?) Prometheus Bound — where the Titan Prometheus brings fire to humans and is punished for it by Zeus — is only the extant beginning of an otherwise lost trilogy telling the full Prometheus myth. Annie Dorsen uses computer technology to simulate the lost closing part, offering a different solution each night.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Speaking for myself, I am positively jonesing right now for the Tacos de Chiloria and the Tacos Machaco con Huevo at Cielito. I can taste it.

Earlier Event: May 11
Karen Malpede: Troy Too
Later Event: May 11
Shala Miller: Genesis: Medley