Composer Portrait: Suzanne Farrin
TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023
8:00 PM
Miller Theater at Columbia University
2960 Broadway, Morningside Heights, Manhattan
$20-$30; $17-$25 seniors; $15-$22 students/under 25
Suzanne Farrin plays the eerie keyboard instrument the Ondes Martenot — and the electro-acoustic music she composes sounds like it, even when it doesn’t incorporate that strange instrument. Which is not to say her music is eerie — just very piquantly colored and textured. Among many other pieces, this showcase will feature a new piece featuring Farrin on the Ondes Martenot, and exerpts from the Michelangelo love-poem settings she put on at the Metropolitan Museum a few years ago, which made a huge impression on all of use lucky enough to have seen/heard them. The music will be played by the International Contemporary Ensemble, so excellence of interpretation can be taken for granted.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Inventive Chinese at Atlas Kitchen.