SATURDAY & SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 & 13, 2023 (continuing through AUGUST 26)
7:30 PM
DiMenna Center
450 West 37th Street, Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan
$23.18; $12.51 students/seniors
The Earle Brown Foundation (now there’s a possible answer to the question: who’s the single most underappreciated American composer?) puts on its annual festival of New Music (much of it much gnarlier than anything Browne wrote). The first night has two German ensembles, the SWR Experimentalstudio and Ensemble Experimental (ENEX), playing Nono (who sort of splits the difference between Gnarly European Modernism and Brown’s Pre-Post-Modern New York School). The second night kicks off a two-night stand by the world-beating JACK Quartet, this night playing Helmut Lachenmann (not totally unlike Brown — but a lot angstier).
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Theoretically boring, in practice delicious, Italian from the oven at Ci Siamo.