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MONDAY – TUESDAY & FRIDAY – SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 – 15 & 18 – 20, 2023 (continuing through AUGUST 26)
7:30 PM

DiMenna Center
450 West 37th Street, Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan

$23.18; $12.51 students/seniors

The Earle Brown Foundation (now there’s a possible answer to the question: who’s the single most underappreciated American composer?) puts on its annual festival of New Music (much of it much gnarlier than anything Browne wrote). A highlight of this week is Friday’s concert utilizing the EMPAC High-Resolution Modular Loudspeaker Array for Wave Field Synthesis, which supposedly permits pinpoint placement of sounds but which I, for one, never find quite as awesome as they tell you it is (I’m more astonished at how precisely my two stereo speakers place sounds). Monday’s show by the JACK Quartet is of course a gimme — especially as it features music by two good composers, Clara Ionatta and Cenk Irgün (I’ma be honest and admit I’ve never heard of the third composer on the program, Seare Farhat). Tuesday’s Ensemble Signalconcert and Saturday’s Talea Ensembleconcert feature pieces by one of this List’s Secret Stashes, Agata Zubel, whom the List would have to be less smug about loving if she attained the widespread recognition her totally fun music warrants (she’s a terrific singer, too — and not just of classical). Sunday’s show features music by Earle Brown himself!

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Theoretically boring, in practice delicious, Italian from the oven at Ci Siamo.