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MONDAY – TUESDAY & THURSDAY – SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 – 22 & 24 – 26, 2023 (continuing through AUGUST 26)
7:30 PM

DiMenna Center
450 West 37th Street, Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan

$23.18; $12.51 students/seniors

The Earle Brown Foundation (now there’s a possible answer to the question: who’s the single most underappreciated American composer?) puts on its annual festival of New Music (much of it much gnarlier than anything Browne wrote). This final week features three List fave ensembles — Ekmeles, Yarn/Wire, and the International Contemporary Ensemble — whose taste is so congruent with ours that we almost don’t have check who they’re playing/singing. Trumpeter-about-town (and current loadbanger — right where he belongs) Andrew Kozar of course also has congruent taste, as the program for his duo with vocalist Corrine Byrne shows. List readers can go to any of those shows with full confidence. The Talea Ensemble closes the festival with a evening of Enno Poppe, a very Euro New Music composer (not sounding unlike Earle Brown in some ways — but with a lot more notes) — but one who’s been played by Yarn/Wire!

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Theoretically boring, in practice delicious, Italian from the oven at Ci Siamo.

Earlier Event: August 24