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American Classical Orchestra: La musica notturna di Madrid


American Classical Orchestra: La musica notturna di Madrid

1:15 PM

Gotham Early Music Festival Midtown Concerts
St. Malachy’s Church In Person & Live Stream
239 West 49th Street, Midtown, Manhattan


You can guess what one piece on this program is. To be clear, this is string quartet from the ranks of the American Classical Orchestra, with a guitarist: they’re not playing an expansion for string orchestra of Boccherini’s famous guitar quintet. They are playing, however, what are arguably reductions of some Vivaldi string concertos (including a really famous one).

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: In person, I’m not gonna even tell you what El Mil Sabores puts on their Torta Loca sandwich. You have to see it for yourself. Streaming at home, let’s accelerate La Hora del Vermut: pour some Vermouth into a tumbler over ice. Garnish with an orange wedge and, if you’re feeling it, a big plump olive.

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