Lisa Despain: The Song of the Nightingale
FRIDAY & SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 & 9, 2023 (also on SEPTEMBER 21 – 23 & 28 – 30 at locations in Manhattan)
12:30 & 5:00 PM FRIDAY
2:00 & 5:30 PM SATURDAY
On Site Opera
Brooklyn Commons, MetroTech Center
100 Myrtle Avenue, Downtown, Brooklyn
It takes some nerve to set an opera on Hans Christian Andersen’s The Nightingale, since there’s already a really good one. Especially when composer Lisa Despain writes like it was 100 years ago. But I love Western classical music from 100 years ago. Including, in fact, Stravinsky’s original Соловей (better known as Le Rossignol).
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Chickens (even golden ones) aren’t nightingales, but good Peruvian at Pollo D’Oro.