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Shelley Hirsch: And So it Was And Was and WaAAassSSssSss


Shelley Hirsch: And So it Was And Was and WaAAassSSssSss

8:00 PM

Roulette In Person & Live Stream
509 Atlantic Avenue (entrance on Third Avenue), Boerum Hill, Brooklyn

$25 advance; $35 door; $20 students/seniors; free live stream

This isn’t so much a career summation for veteran avant-vocalist Shelley Hersch as a statement of where she is now, in the fullness of her experience. Improvisations, text settings (in this case I mean texts in the IM sense), dedicated visuals, all-star accompanists (at least stars on The List), a good dose of humor: what makes Hirsch Hirsch.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: In person, nice enough bistro at Bacchus. Streaming at home, have a Hunter’s Cocktail: pour 1-1/2 oz. Whiskey (your choice) and 1/2 oz. cherry brandy into an Old Fashioned glass over ice. Garnish with a cocktail cherry.

Earlier Event: January 23
Vision Duo & Chromic Duo: Reflections
Later Event: January 23
Ethan Iverson