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An Evening with Michael Stephen Brown


An Evening with Michael Stephen Brown

7:30 PM

Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center
1941 Broadway, Upper West Side, Manhattan


Michael Stephen Brown is not only a fine, bracing composer (even if he didn’t write “Walk Away Renée”) — he's an excellent pianist as well. Tonight he presents a wide-ranging, well-put-together program, including some Haydn (the world’s most underrated and underperformed famous composer); some tributes to Haydn by Ravel, Debussy, and Brown himself; Ravel’s Mirroirs (as I said, Brown’s an excellent pianist); some Mendelssohn and some Von Schauroth, a forgotten pianist-composer whom Mendelssohn considered marrying; and a bigger piece by Brown himself (as far as I’m concerned, we don’t hear Brown’s compositions enough).

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Longstanding neighborhood French at La Boite en Bois.