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John Zorn:  Cobra

  • National Sawdust 80 North 6th Street Brooklyn, NY, 11249 United States (map)


7:00 PM

National Sawdust

80 North 6th Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn


As a further part of National Sawdust's Hildegard Month, celebrating women's contributions to the arts, John Zorn presents an almost all-female ensemble version of his famous game piece Cobra.  It's hard to explain, but Cobra is a group improvisation in which the ensemble is instructed what, in general, to do by cue cards held up by a "prompter", who in turn is guided in his or her selection of cues by what the ensemble did in response to the last cue.   It all depends, of course, on the imagination and acuity of the players in the ensemble -- and this one includes (among many others) (and not to make any invidious selections) such luminaries as Downtown harp goddess Zeena Parkins, composer/keyboardist Annie Gosfield, pianist Sylvie Courvousier, and electronics whiz Ikue Mori.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  I haven't been yet, but a friend swears by Sardinian restaurant and wine bar D.O.C.  And you can't deny that the menu is really appealing (and OMG so is the wine list!).