8:00 PM
Zeena Parkins & Dawn Kasper
Areté Gallery & Venue
67 West Street #103, Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Downtown's favorite harpist, Zeena Parkins, is seemingly incapable of having a conventional or uninteresting musical thought. Here she performs along with the artist Dawn Kasper on tapes and drums. There will be 45 minutes of music and then, unfortunately, 45 minutes of discussion.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: People are talking about Oxomoco, the new pan-Mexican grill/oven-oriented project from the team behind the popular Speedy Romeo pizzerias. (I guess they figured their expertise with pizzas would extend to tacos.) Drinks by Eben Klemm -- which is not nothing.
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Earlier Event: July 31
Later Event: July 31
Basil Twist: Symphonie Fantastique