7:00 PM
Bridget Kibbey & Friends: The Sacred and the Profane
The Angel's Share
Green-Wood Cemetery
500 25th Street, Greenwood Heights, Brooklyn
This is such an enticing show that it's frustrating that it will be almost impossible to get into. The Angel's Share concerts are compelling just for their setting: in a crypt in the middle of Green-Wood Cemetery -- you couldn't getmore atmospheric. The concerts are preceded by a free unlimited tasting of local whiskeys, which is always a very good thing (I mean, the tastings are "free" except that the ticket price is so high). The night would be major fun just for the walks you take through the sprawling cemetery: first to get to the whiskey tasting tables, and then to get to the crypt, and then, best of all, back out of the cemetery from the crypt in the dark after the show (they give you light sticks to light your way). Most important of all, though, this is a very appealing -- and atmospheric -- program. Harpist Bridget Kibbey is a major figure on the local New Music scene, although here she'll be playing more-or-less standard rep, chamber music for harp ("more or less" because chamber music for harp is pretty out-of-the way, so none of this is stuff you hear every week). As you can guess from the program's title, Debussy's exotic, seductiveDances Sacrée et Profane will make an appearance. Rarer, but no less welcome -- and perfect for the setting -- is a harp chamber piece by Debussy's friend and colleague André Caplet based on Poe's The Mask of the Red Death. Britten's affecting Lachrymae (with the piano part taken by the harp), a piece by Saint-Saëns, a transcription of Bach's spookiest piece, perfect for the crypt: this would be a great night out even without the whiskey. The shows are sold out, of course -- but keep checking for cancellations.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Good beer, good-enough pub grub, big aquarium, all at the Sea Witch.
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Earlier Event: August 6
Ashley Fure: The Force of Things: An Opera for Objects
Later Event: August 7
Jackie Sibblies Drury: Fairview