7:00 PM
Taka Kigawa
B&B Festival (Music of Brian Eno & Brian Ferneyhough)
70 Flushing Avenue, Garage A, Fort Greene, Brooklyn
$15; $10 students/seniors
If there's any connection between the music of ambient pop star Brian Eno and New Complexity godfather Brian Ferneyhough — other than that their composers are both English and both named Brian (and both brilliant) — it's oppositional: Ferneyhough's New Complexity was developed as a corrective to the kind of music Eno writes. If anyone should be able to tease this all out, it's Taka Kigawa, a pianist whose great intellectual and interpretive gifts are matched by his technical ones (he's more on the Ferneyhough side of things). And don't forget: the last time Brian Eno was associated muscially with another English guy named Brian, the results were pretty fabulous.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Italian charmer LaRina Pastificio & Vino leans more toward Enoesque surface simplicity than Ferneyhoughesque surface complexity — and is all the better for it.
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Earlier Event: October 5
Katherine Mehrling: Streets of Berlin
Later Event: October 5
Miller: A View from the Bridge