7:30 PM
Dušan Tynek Dance: Le Jardin qui Rit
Baruch Performing Arts Center
55 Lexington Avenue (entrance on East 25th Street), Rose Hill, Manhattan
$31; $16 students
I guess if a vache can rit, so can a jardin. Dušan Tynek is New York-based choreographer who produces mainstream modern dance that is extremely lively. It doesn't hurt that he frequently collaborates with the marvelous composer Aleksandra Vrebalov -- whose score will here be performed live. (The Times on a prior Tynek/Vrebalov piece: "For some choreographers, live musicians are expensively irrelevant to their work or threateningly distracting. Dusan Tynek is not one of those choreographers.") It's all based on the middle panel of The Garden of Earthly Delights -- which means it should be extralively.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Nice and homey Korean food at the universally beloved Her Name Is Han.
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Earlier Event: March 7
Alkemie: Rosas das Rosas: Songs for the Virgin Mary
Later Event: March 7
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