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American Composers Orchestra


7:30 PM

American Composers Orchestra
Zankel Hall, Carnegie Hall
881 7th Avenue, Midtown, Manhattan


A knockout program from the American Composers Orchestra.  This List's utter adoration of the music of Morton Feldman is no secret; tonight we have one of the pieces emerging from his fascination with Oriental carpetsThe Turfan Fragments.  Then, the first symphony of Gloria Coates, an expat American Postminimalist living in Munich whom you might well never have heard of, but whose rigorously structured rushes of sound and energy will, I promise, bowl you over.  Capping things off, a new piece by Du Yun -- certainly one of the best young composers out there -- with accompanying film by the Palestinian artist Khaled Jarrar.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  Hunan House, with the usual strong recommendation that you order from one of the special menus and not the rather prosaic general one.