Kamala Sankaram: Only You Will Recognize the Signal
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2020 (weekly)
7:00 PM
HERE Arts Center Live Stream
At last we get to see the complete new opera (I think it's still all of something like an hour long in its entirety) that's been serialized over the last couple of months from the creative and performing teams that brought us that great Zoom opera from early in the Pandemic, All Decisions Will Be Made by Consensus. They now go into space to colonize a new world (SPOILER ALERT: things do not go smoothly).
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Moonwalk: pour 1 oz. each of Grand Marnier and grapefruit juice, and 1/2 teaspoon of rosewater, into an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Shake. Strain into a Champagne flute. Top with Champagne.