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600 Highwaymen: A Thousand Ways (Part One): A Phone Call

600 Highwaymen: A Thousand Ways (Part One): A Phone Call

MONDAY – WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 – 23, 2020 (continuing through JANUARY 17, 2021)
5:00, 6:30 & 8:00 PM

Under the Radar Festival
Public Theater
Over the phone

Free (registration required)

Next year's Under the Radar alt-theater festival kicks off early with these further performances of one of the absolute smash hits of the Quarantine era, 600 Highwaymen's A Thousand Ways (Part One): A Phone Call. This is the first part of a theatrical triptych of encounters between strangers. In this one, someone you don't know calls you up, and over the course of your phone conversation (following prompts) a portrait of your caller emerges. (The Public's page for this show says "Sold Out", but available spaces pop up: good luck!)

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: I see you sipping a Cognac as your conversation proceeds.

Earlier Event: December 21
Make Music Winter
Later Event: December 21
Phill Niblock: 6 Hours of Music and Film