Honey and Bunny: eat / GOLD / art
7:30 PM
Austrian Cultural Forum
11 East 52nd Street, Midtown, Manhattan
Free (with R.S.V.P.)
This is another case where I can do no better than to quote the promotional materials for this piece, one of a series on this general topic by this Austrian performance duo: "In this interactive boundary-crossing live performance, Austrian artists Sonja Stummerer and Martin Hablesreiter explore the relationship between food (over)consumption and the reaction of the body both as a physiological phenomenon and an artistic display. They challenge the audience to interact with their own digestive tract and their individual bodily functions. The artists' bodies are at the guests' disposal during the performance. EAT THAT!"
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: If we're talking food and excess, we've got to go to The Grill, right?